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Sukhasana ("easy pose; perfect pose"), is a yoga asana (posture) that basically consists of sitting in the standard cross-legged position. While opening the hips and lengthening the spine, its relative ease on the knees makes this posture preferable to siddhasana and padmasana for many people with physical difficulties. Nevertheless, many schools don't consider it to be as effective for prolonged meditation sessions, although the 20th century Jnana Yoga guru Ramana Maharshi advocated it as suitable for attaining Enlightenment. | ||||||
Etymology Sukhasana, sanskrit for Easy Pose is a common pose of asana, in yoga, buddhism and hinduism. | ||||||
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Sukhasana ("easy pose; perfect pose"), is a yoga asana (posture) that basically consists of sitting in the standard cross-legged position. While opening the hips and lengthening the spine, its relative ease on the knees makes this posture preferable to siddhasana and padmasana for many people with physical difficulties. Nevertheless, many schools don't consider it to be as effective for prolonged meditation sessions, although the 20th century Jnana Yoga guru Ramana Maharshi advocated it as suitable for attaining Enlightenment. | ||||||
Etymology Sukhasana, sanskrit for Easy Pose is a common pose of asana, in yoga, buddhism and hinduism. | ||||||
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Variety of Yoga AsanasAn important publication of a rather large number of asanas, has been presented in 1959 by Swami Vishnu-devananda. In his book The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga his published 66 136 variations of asanas, which found their basis at 66 different asanas. In his book Vishnu-devananda enlarges on other subjects relating to hatha yoga, like pranayama and the filosofy and aim of yoga. Sri Dharma Mittra, composer of the Master Yoga Chart of 908 Postures, states that there are an infinite number of asanas. In 1975, as an offering of devotion to his guru, Swami Kailashananda Maharaj, Dharma set out to catalogue the vast number of asanas. All together he compiled 1300 variations, that he derived from gurus, yogis, and ancient and contemporary texts. Although it will not be possible in any way to establish an exact set of postures, this work is considered a leading collection by students and yogis alike. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Some asanas are practiced most commonly and others rarely, like Downward Facing Tree (hand stand). Here follows just a brief selection: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Eight Limbs of Yoga |
In the Yoga sutras, Patanjali describes asana as the third of the 8 limbs of classical yoga (raja yoga). |
These eight limbs are:
Hasta Uttanasana Raised Hands Pose Sun Salutation no. 2, 11 | Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Facing Dog Sun Salutation no. 5, 8 | Bhujangasana Cobra Pose Sun Salutation no. 7 |